Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Family is Growing!

Posted by Catey at 1:55 PM 9 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Feed the Addiction
Posted by Catey at 2:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Lessons Learned from a Tonsillectomy
Posted by Catey at 12:21 PM 4 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Christmas Story - Mooseltoe
This a fun book, and sadly, reminds me of me just a tad. Everything has to be just perfect. Every list has to be checked off. And then something big gets forgotten.
Posted by Catey at 7:25 PM 2 comments
I'm not sure why I'm sharing this

Posted by Catey at 7:21 PM 8 comments
Alaina's Baptism
Allright-I was kinda harsh on Alaina in that last post.
I really am over the hair thing, and I really love my daughter. A lot. And she really does know that. I promise.
But now on to more exciting things about her.
I still haven't hit "publish" on her birthday post yet, because I still haven't found her baby pictures. Darn me for being old and birthing babies in the pre-digital days. It makes blogging much more complicated sometimes.
But there is a birthday post for her, I promise.
For now-her baptism. Alaina was baptized the first week in November.
Much of our family was out of town, so it was a small meeting. but it was a very beautiful meeting, and a beautiful day.
Taylor wrote and gave a talk on Baptism. Malia wrote and gave a talk on the Holy Ghost.
They both did amazing jobs. Aaron's mom played the piano, I led the music, and Grandpa's gave the prayers. My grandpa and Alaina's grandpa-Aaron's dad.
We were also blessed with good friends there with us, and we were so happy they could join us! It was not an uneventful day though. Is there ever an uneventful day with us?
It seems that everything that could possibly go wrong in the days leading up to the baptism did go wrong.
Up to that morning when Charlotte woke up with a barking cough at 4am, followed quickly by Dallin. You'll notice in this picture that he doesn't exactly look stellar.In fact he was feeling so awful that he had fallen asleep on the metal folding chair at the end of the first row of chairs. Poor kid. (But hey, we wouldn't want to break tradition and have all healthy kids at one of our kids' baptisms!)
Posted by Catey at 6:55 PM 3 comments
Posted by Catey at 6:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Posted by Catey at 7:50 PM 2 comments
My, my, that tastes an awful lot like....Freedom!
Yes People, on this, Wednesday, December the 9th, I left the confines of my bedroom. For the first time in 5 days.
Considering that I'm the type of person that doesn't ever spend more than a day or two sick (save that one pneumonia incident 6 1/2yrs ago, but we won't discuss that), and the annoying lady who has babies and two days later is out and about being normal again, this is a momentous event.
I have done my best to be a good little patient and rest up and recover. This has not been easy. At all. Don't get me wrong, those around me have done everything possible to make it easy for me; meals have been delivered every night, people have taken the kids for playdates to prevent my husband from going certifiably insane, and my husband has been nothing short of a Saint in taking care of every possible thing in this house so that my daily routine can consist of sit, lay, sit, sleep, choke down pain meds, sleep, suck on a popsicle and sleep. But during my concious hours (well, you've read the blog recently, I'm not sure how concious I've been), I know that I could get up and just clean up the bathroom a bit. Go round up the dishes and start a load. Pick up the shoes that have been left at the front door. Granted by the time I reach my bedroom door I am pretty much dizzy enough to pass out, but I'd like to think I'm tougher than that.
Enter today. My husband's birthday. Isn't this exactly how you would want to spend your birthday? Your spouse stuck in bed starting her nose dive into the "worst of the recovery"? Trying to figure out how to run the daily chaos of the house and all seven kids? Feeling like you haven't slept in 5 days b/c you've been so strung out that you've barely slept in, well, 5 days?
Fun, huh?
But hey. You should all know that despite my brain fog I did actually remember that it was his birthday today. And as I stumbled to the kitchn at 5:09 this morning to get my pain meds, I had enough actual thought process to get out the crepe paper and the "Happy Birthday" banner and string them up! And to email my parents about coming out to our place for an hour tonight. To let my husband (and myself) have a breath of fresh air.
Yes, we went out for his birthday.
Sheild your jealousy folks, I sucked it up for long enough to do my hair and makeup, fancy my wardrobe up from PJs (hey, I DO have cute PJs), to some rockin jeans and his favorite top that I own, and even throw on some jewelry. Then I held it together long enough for us to make an exotic trip to..........
Arctic Circle.
For Milkshakes.
Because that's about all I could stand to (still) painfully choke down.
But it was a blissful hour. And it was so nice to be out of the house! For both of us! And it was such a treat to just be together. And laugh. even if it does hurt to laugh.
And even if I can still only whisper and everything I say is followed by him leaning closer and saying "What?". And the people sitting next to us looked at us funny b/c he was speaking normally and I was whispering.
I will never again take for granted the ability to be up and around, to come and go (mostly) as I please.
And though it wasn't anything exciting, I'm sure neither one of us will ever forget this birthday.
Posted by Catey at 7:50 PM 2 comments
Christmas Story - My Penguin Osbert
This is a cute story. And no, it doesn't make me cry.
This is a fun, be-careful-what-you-wish-for kind of story. Yet also a heartwarming, you've-made-your-bed-now-you-get-to-lie-in-it kind of story.
Posted by Catey at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Story - A Christmas Bell for Anya
Tonight's Story is one that I heard for the first time two years ago and immediately went out and found so that we could have a copy of our own. It's another one that makes me cry.
Posted by Catey at 9:45 PM 3 comments
Lobster Legs
Posted by Catey at 9:41 PM 3 comments
True Confession Tuesday
Posted by Catey at 9:41 PM 1 comments
A peek at the house stuff

Posted by Catey at 9:01 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Tradition: Stories
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is our nightly Christmas story. This is one that we could do each night despite the chaos of our home and family recently. I am hoping to share each day which story we read; some I may even put here on the blog for your reading enjoyment. I'll at least tell you which story it is, so that I can share some of our favorites-both old and new-and maybe they will be added to your list of favorites too.
I keep a big basket of Christmas books out each year so that they are available for everyone to dig into. I am a book nut, and I especially love picture books, so this is one of my favorite indulgences.
Two of our newcomers this year were the first books we turned to. (mostly becuase they weren't packed away with the other Christmas things, but who's counting?)
First-the comedy. Santaclaustrophobia.

Santa is having a meltdown (heard this story line before?), and all the holiday celebritites (Easter Bunny, Cupid, St Patrick, etc) jump in to help out. A hilarious fresh new take on that whole "Santa needs help" thing-definitely one that will be a must read for our family, many times each Christmas season.
On the flip side, a more tender book. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.

Most of us are familiar with this Christmas Carol, but many do not know the story behind it. This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of how Henry Wadsworth Longfellow came to pen those lines that were originally a poem and became the longstanding song. The story is beautiful and humbling.
Aaron and I went to a concert last year where this story was read and it took everything in me to control my emotions. It was beautiful. Here is part of that:
The book comes with a DVD of the recording above, as well as that transcript, the actual story, and history tidbits that enrich the story and explain some of the common things of the day to younger kids so that they understand parts of the story more easily-though they certainly aren't necessary in reading. (thankfully they are written off to the side, so you can choose to include them in your reading or not)
So now you know how we've launched into the season here at the nuthouse. I'd love to hear what your favorite Christmas stories are-we are always looking to add to our collection!

Posted by Catey at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Overheard while waiting for surgery

I felt like I should have had a sign taped to my head that said "I promise I am not this ugly everyday". It's a good thing I'm not a lunch lady-I just don't rock that whole hair net look.
I preferred my view:

Posted by Catey at 8:30 AM 1 comments
I dreamed a dream
*first-I am making a disclaimer that anything you read over the next few days was likely typed under the influence of percocet. So please, do not hold me accountable, think this is normal, or a host of any other thoughts that may enter your head. thank you.
Posted by Catey at 8:21 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Yah, yah...getting there! and Check out this email!!
Thank you for your email.
Great news! M&M'S BRAND COCONUT FLAVORED CHOCOLATE CANDIES will be available starting January 2010 as a permanent item.
We hope you will watch for them!
Have a great day!
Your Friends at Mars Chocolate NA

Posted by Catey at 7:15 PM 12 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Best article I've read in a long time
Like the reality that you have four pairs of great jeans in your closet, and you can only fit into one.
Or the reality that you deeply love your children, and yet today, you want to physically rip out their vocal cords if they sass you one more time."

Posted by Catey at 7:59 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Baptism by Fire-Welcome to Chaos

Posted by Catey at 5:55 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Big Pink Winners!

I've been following for quite some time....I'm so proud of you on the 1/2!!
November 3, 2009 8:49 AM

I would love #2. What a great bunch of pink swag!
October 31, 2009 11:27 PM

Posted by Catey at 10:59 AM 3 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Annual Adult Costume Party

Posted by Catey at 2:02 PM 7 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Running a Half Marathon on a Whim

Posted by Catey at 9:04 PM 5 comments