October is a big month at our house. Four birthdays-myself and three kids.
Hey-January gets cold here!
Add to that my Mother in Law's birthday, my grandpa's birthday, my hubby's best friend's birthday, and a handful of cousins too, and that equals a lot of cake. Mmmmm.....cake.......
Lincoln is our first October birthday. This is the 'never a dull moment kid'.
This is the 'I thought #4 was going to be the child to put me in the nuthouse but it turns out he was just breaking me in for this one' kid.
He is so frustrating and so unbelievable stinking cute and funny, all at the same time.
And now he's three.
It's amazing how quickly kids seem to go from this:

to this:
While I typically relive my kids' births on their birthdays, which I'm sure you all love (especially you guys! ha!), I'll let you go HERE if you want to read that, and otherwise I'll spare you.
You're welcome.
We're big on being obnoxious with candles and singing here, so every meal has a candle. Including breakfast. Look hashbrowns can be festive.
No huge fancy party, just the fam.
Which I guess kind of actually is huge with us.
And apparently very shocking.
One of my favorite things about birthdays lately is that our younger kids have started wrapping things up and giving them to their siblings.
It's hilarious.
Jacob gave Lincoln a big stuffed dog. Dallin's big stuffed dog.
They then proceeded to have the following conversation:
Dallin: What?! But Jacob, you didn't even ask!
Jacob: That's ok, I'm sure Lincoln with share it with you.
Lots of cars make for a house full of happy boys.
And the big fancy cakes I used to attempt have been replaced by cupcakes and their own personal little cake. Who knew they liked that more?
Lincoln joined in singing. "Happy Birthday to MEEEEE!"
Love that kid.

Oh fun....happy birthday, little man!
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