In a perfect world that title would read "Riverton half marathon".
But it does not.
In my crazy mind I was hopeful to net baby girl all of the standard race distances before her birth.
I started out well. We checked off marathon and 10k back in October during the first trimester, but I was wary to add half marathon in that month as well, not knowing how sick I was going to be this time around or how my body would recover from the marathon. My backup was the spring halfs, one of which was quashed two weeks ago by a kid's event, and this one which was killed by the reality of being 32wks pregnant with my 9th child.
The body is getting a little more demanding and pushy. Which is fitting considering it belongs to me, the epitome of stubborn.
I have a disc in my back that slips. I've thrown my back out a couple of times in the past, but never during pregnancy. This time around it's gone out twice, leaving me hobbling around, angled to the side looking like I should have had a V8. The first time it happened this pregnancy was the day after Christmas. Not optimal timing, but not the worst either since Aaron was off work and able to pick up my slack when I went from fully functional to can't stand up or lift anything in a matter of seconds. A couple of visits to the chiropractor worked their magic and I was back to normal. As normal as I get anyway.
Unfortunately it went out again at the end of March. 8 days before a race I had been eyeing for months. At least I was smart enough to wait on signing up, knowing that planning races while pregnant is a crap shoot and I really wouldn't know till just before the actual race day if I was up to it. I figure it's better to pay a higher registration fee at the last minute that lose the fee altogether.
Some chiropractor magic and a very supportive husband got me through the week and put me in a position to still run, even if it was a considerably shorter distance than I had planned.
Boy was I glad!
I love racing. I'll never be the fastest and never win anything, but I love race mornings! The buzz in the air, the excitement at the start's just so darn fun!

Crazy and AMAZING!!! You are fast, especially for being pregnant!
You are soooooo awesome, Catey. A true inspiration. And your outfit looks SO great. You rocked the arm warmers--and our tee! xo
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