I love hate family pictures.
I love love LOVE the end result. LOVE.
The getting ready part, coordinating clothing and schedules, keeping people clean once we are there, getting everyone cooperative, trying to avoid tears.....all that part I could do without.
But the bad makes the good that much better, right?
We have been blessed with a couple of friends that are amazing photographers, which makes the love part even better. This Summer we had the lovely Carma Gray do our photographs. She is our dear friend who was there at the hospital to capture Sam's incredible first moments.
Since I always have too much to say, I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.
(you can click on them to see them larger)
And it seems appropriate after the family pictures to plug the Circle of Moms Top 25 Big Family Blogs opportunity again. I had a couple of friends who were surprised to find out you can vote every day so I wanted to make sure everyone knew, you know, in case you love me enough to click HERE and then click the little thumbs up every day for the next two weeks. That's it-just two little clicks! (and hooray for voting that doesn't require joining anything or even leaving your email address!)
If you have some spare time check out the other fabulous blogs listed there-I have definitely found some new favorite reads. There are some absolutely amazing families out there! For sure check out Hands Full Mom, a new friend of mine who has also popped out 8 kids in less than twelve years, and was signed up to run St George Marathon as well in a couple of weeks, but had to pull out because she will be 20wks pregnant with number nine by then! Don't worry though, she got a marathon in a few weeks ago at 15 weeks. Awesome.

Loved them all!
Malia is so grown up - it's crazy.
love all the pix
I love those pictures of your guys family very cute!!!
OK in LOVE!! What a beautiful family you have.. how do you manage so many kiddos?? We are overwhlemed just talking about going for a 3rd. WOW!!
You are blessed with a beautiful family!!! These pictures are amazing!!
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