Thursday, January 13, 2011

5 months

Sam turned 5 months last week.  My word, these months are flying by at warp speed!

You want to know what's crazy?  He's not only hit all his milestones, but has hit all the expected milestones for up to six months.  He's almost sitting on his own now too.  Love it.  It makes me a little sad that he is growing up SO fast, but I am so excited with each new thing he accomplishes, it makes it a little easier to deal with that.

To celebrate five months we moved up to size 2 diapers and put away the 0-3 month clothes in exchange for the 3-6 month size.  At least he's growing a little bit slowly so I can enjoy these cute little clothes a little longer!

Everything goes in the mouth now.  Everything.


If not, he will death grip it.  He got a hold of one of the dog's collar/tags the other day.  Heh, I don't think the dogs will be hanging out so close to him anymore!  (no-he didn't try to put that in his mouth-I was supervising closely and am way too paranoid to let dogs get by his mouth!)

Sam is all about rolling now and has taken to scooting when he is on his tummy.  He will scoot himself around in a circle, and has started pulling his knees up under his tummy, digging his toes in and pushing forward.  Yes, he's moving forward.  Too soon!  He is seriously slowed down by the fact that his head is on the floor as he scoots (which makes for some nice rug rash occasionally), but he is moving none the less.

I love this hat.

Apparently he loves it too!

Still the happiest, giggliest, smiliest kid around.  The older kids love making him laugh, and I have to say that their interactions with him are about the sweetest thing ever!



XLMIC said...

Seems like each picture is cuter than the one before…but a second and third time through proves that he is just out and out THE cutest! I cannot believe he is 5 monts old. Seriously too fast. Glad he is doing so amazingly well :)

Kelsey said...

COOKIES ;) ha ha my bad
I love little Sam. I would love to see him and Cole play soon.
He is just the cutest and his laugh, is the best sound in the world!!!!

Lora said...

What a beautiful little miracle. LOVE LOVE LOVE the one with the hat on!! Loribear

Laurie said...

He is simply adorable. I love that smile! What a beautiful little miracle. :)