And here comes the next Freebie!
Wait, backstory!
'Cause I'm long winded and it's my blog so I can babble before I fill you in! ha!
A few weeks ago when I was sick (again) and feeling sorry for myself (again) and plagued with insomnia(again), I found myself blog stalking in the wee hours of the morning.
How I ended up HERE, I do not know. But I couldn't have been happier because I love all things apron and they were giving this away:

Too cute!
Apparently late night surfing pays off, because I won it. Yay me! But no, I'm not that generous, you don't get this one, I love it too much. But it inspired me with a new apron pattern, so it's not a total loss for you.
So what do you get?
My new favorite apron!
(sorry the pictures stink. This is what happens when you have your kids taking pictures because you neglected to have your husband do so. dang.)
I am loving the green one so much (and it's getting so much use) that I needed another of the same style. And I'm in love with damask again, so I made myself a fun black and white.
Sophisticated damask, Sassy Ruffle. Thank heaven for aprons that make cooking fun!
Same rules apply to snag this little baby! Leave a comment for entry.
If you're feeling super helpful, you can mention your favorite meal to help me get out of the dinner time rut that I seem to have stuck myself in again. Because the kids don't like that I use cayenne to boost myself out of that rut. I don't know why.
They could all feel their tongues again within 48hrs. It wasn't that bad.
Extra entry for being a follower and for blogging about this freebie, please leave a separate comment for EACH entry.
Enter until Thursday August 6th at midnight MST. Winner will be announced next Friday August 7th along with the next Freebie!