Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good news, bad news

The good news, well actually-the BEST news: I will not be needing the overnight bag I packed after all!  Yippee!  We were planning on a lovely stay at Primary Children's tonight.

The bad news: Charlotte does have a pretty stinking darn bad case of RSV.   And apparently a killer ear infection as well.  

The good news: After spending most of the day between 103 - 104, and not going any lower than 101.5 even on Tylenol, she's finally sitting more comfortably just under 101.  Phew!

The other good news: Her respiratory rate is now also below 100 breaths per minute which is where she spent a good part of the day.  

The bad news:  She one sad and miserable little thing right now.

The good news:  Even with her resp rate sky high (along with a pulse rate of 180+), her Oxygen levels were close enough to 90% for a lengthy monitoring time that she is here at home, and currently not needing extra oxygen.  Let's hope it stays that way!

Hopefully REALLY good news:  Our pediatrician started a new treatment pattern for RSV patients last year and did not have a single one end up hospitalized.  That my friends, is nothing short of amazing.   Let's hope it works wonders for Charlotte as well and he keeps up his record!

Seems like life is handing Charli a nice congratulations for surviving 6 months with 6 siblings-let's throw something else at you, huh?  Poor thing.  We did finally get a smile out of her shortly before she went to bed tonight, and after not eating all day she finally ate again.  She's now been asleep for a full hour, which is also the best she's done in that department today.  I'm just so unbelievably glad that we're here in the comfort of our own home tonight.  Having done the baby stuck in the hospital thing more than once, I can honestly say that I hope not to repeat that.  It is truly a blessing to live so close to such an amazing children's hospital when you need it, but I hope not to need it again any time soon-or hopefully ever!  

We did get a weigh-in at our little jaunt to the ped's office this afternoon, which was kind of nice since her 6 month check up isn't scheduled for another two weeks and I'm always curious on the whole growth thing.  15lbs 3oz.  I was guessing around 16, so she's a bit smaller than I figured.  Yay for 3-6 month clothes fitting for a while longer! : )  

And just for a little bit of extra good news, I'm super excited for two friends of mine today;  One delivered a perfectly healthy little baby girl two days ago after years of trying, multiple miscarriages, and one loss well into her second trimester.  I'm so happy that she is finally getting a chance to live this wild ride called motherhood!  And along the same lines, another friend got the treat of seeing a little heartbeat after months of waiting, workups for fertility treatments, miscarriages, and prepping for IVF.  She's still at the very beginning, but I hope and pray that all goes wonderfully for her for the next 7 months!  

What a blessing that even on bad days there are so many wonderful good things to be thankful for!  I may be quarantined at home for a while, and look like a freak, but when it really boils down to what matters, Life is good.  : )  

(And yes, I know some of you are still waiting for the "Interview Me" questions-I promise they are coming, but it'll have to wait until my baby is better!)


Heidi said...

OH, that poor little thing! I hope she is feeling better soon!

Niki said...

You and little Charli will be in our prayers...take care.

Unknown said...

Poor Charlotte. I hope that she is 100% well soon! ((hugs))

Aaron said...

I think I will only end my sentences with an exclamation from now on! It seems like the thing to do! Yea!

Seriously though, I am glad you are not at the hospital! What a pain to have a kid up there! Even if it is just for a few days!

Catey said...

Thank you Mr Smarty Pants. I'll have you know that I counted, and less than 1/3 of those sentences end in exclamation points. Besides-we could all use a little more excitement in life-especially over good things!

So !!!!!!!
Ha. :P

Cindi said...

So sorry to hear that your little one is sick. Hopefully, she'll recover soon. We'll be praying for her.

~LL~ said...

Ha! I LOVE exclamation marks!!!! They are SO exCITing!

Anyway, I will pray for Little Charli, Mom and Dad.

Unknown said...

Glad she's doing better! She's still super cute.

I think exclamation points add more meaning!

MaryAnne said...

Oh, poor Charotte!!! we played this game last year. Please let me know if you need anything at all!!!

Hollie Wood said...

Scary! I hope she gets better real soon! We are battling nasty colds here too and keeping our fingers crossed 11 month old Sadie doesn't get any worse! I hate the hospital but too am grateful for such a great one close by!