
Life is never boring with nine kids in tow
Posted by Catey at 12:45 PM 15 comments
3cms and 60-70% at yesterday's appointment. Membranes have been stripped.
Some good contractions since then....feels like things are starting to head the right direction.
Went for a walk//run this morning in hopes of getting the ball rolling.
Posted by Catey at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Because after hours of filming, the segment used was about 40 seconds long.
Overshadowed by the 800lb bride. Hmm.
Oh well. It was still a fun experience.
And I shared 30min of tv with a segment on Will Smith, so it's ok.
I did the ghetto recording version and filmed it with the camcorder, so when I get that uploaded I will share.
Good news: Running during pregnancy was shown in a good light.
Also, I wasn't waddling while I ran. Yes!
Posted by Catey at 4:00 PM 1 comments
The last year or so has been quite the whirlwind for someone who spent a lot of years as a wallflower.
Thank goodness for meeting my wonderful man who helped me break out of my shell and find a lot more fun in life, huh?
The last year has been an absolute blast, but let's be honest, I figured the whole Hapari thing was my 15 minutes of fame and I was totally good with that. I've had a blast with them, and continuing to do the local spots has been such a treat.
But when opportunity presented itself last week to do a piece on running during pregnancy I have to admit I jumped on it and really hoped it would work!
I was contacted by a running coach who got my name through the fabulous SBS and Dimity of AnotherMotherRunner.com, authors of two of my favorite running books-Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother. (and the source of the speed bump shirt!)
I was actually approached about doing a couple of tv spots after the Hapari thing, but they fell through so I wasn't sure how this one would work out, especially since there's kind of a time limit to my pregnant running at this point.
Things came together amazingly fast and within 24hrs they had a crew scheduled to be here Monday morning!
So I spent the weekend with my fingers (and legs) crossed, having gone from "let's get this baby out now" to "please stay in for a few more days!'.
Posted by Catey at 9:03 AM 9 comments
A little more confident about sitting up-as long as someone is nearby.
Standing up when holding on, but still a bit shaky. He did try to pull up for the first time just hours after the cast removal. His legs were not happy about that. Poor kid. But by the end of the night, he was all over it.
And all about trying to walk.
Posted by Catey at 1:23 PM 1 comments
Oh what a fabulous Tuesday morning.
Sam was strapped in for breakfast in his seat one last time.
Posted by Catey at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Posted by Catey at 9:54 PM 1 comments