Friday, May 16, 2008

The BIG project week

Turned out to be not such the big project week.

I had big plans to keep me busy while Aaron was gone for the entire week. The original plan was to have the doors and trim installed downstairs at the beginning of the week so that I could put the bedroom for Jacob and Lincoln together and move them downstairs. Then once they were down I could get to work putting the nursery together. (and yes, I realize I have a good two months to go still!) Along with a few other various tasks. I know, big thinking, but typically I am freakishly productive while Aaron is gone b/c I am trying to keep myself busy and pass the time until he returns. Not to mention I don't sleep well when he's not here so I end up with even more time on my hands as bedtime gets pushed back later.

Well, the guy doing the trim is much busier than last time we called him, and we are looking at another two weeks before he can get here. *sigh* Last time we called him it would have been like 3 days. Oh well. Thus the things downstairs didn't get done, thus the boys didn't move downstairs, thus I haven't started on the nursery yet. Still. And yes, in some ways it is making me crazy!

But the good news is that I did get a few things done. Being the glutton for punishment that I am I offered to help with "cutting or sewing" vests for Taylor's class dance festival. Well, the requested help with the above turned into 'here's the fabric and a pattern someone made up, hopefully it will work!' Thankfully his teacher is a smart woman and picked fabric that didn't need to be edged and hemmed which made for a significantly easier job. So, 15 vests for second graders: check. Then my cute friend Lisa sent me a link a few weeks ago with a cute idea. The result:

(of course she dripped her drink on the pants right before I took the pictures)
Not too shabby! Sorry, no shirt in the close up pic, she was already wearing that!

I did get some of the pearling on baby's blessing gown done-yay! It has turned out to be slightly more consuming than I originally thought, just b/c it takes a while to measure and place each one. But the good news is that it should only take about 5 more hours to finish! lol I so should have bought the pearled fabric years ago when I found it..... And hey, it is turning out exactly how I wanted it, so no complaints here!
And last but not least, my cute friend LISA!! I have not forgotten your quilt!! I am making a keepsake quilt out of pieces of her sweet baby girl's clothing and I can't wait to see the finished project. I have pieced about half of that together (sorry, it's taking a little longer than I thought to do that...I didn't originally figure in the difference in fabric is working, just a little slowly....). It looks great so far and hopefully that will be done within the next few days.

And *gasp*, I cleaned my bedroom out! ACK! And put up pics in the empty frames! WOW! Sorry girls, no more bald black man on my bedroom wall. ;) Just me and my bald white man now!

so stay tuned for pics of the blessing gown and the quilt when I finish those fun projects!


Heidi said...

Ohhh! Too cute!

I have a project VERY similar to that waiting... (made with fabric, not ribbon...) But I may have to steal your idea too! :)

Kelsey said...

look at my cutie pie!!!!!

Kelsey said...

new post new post new post!

Aaron said...

new layout new layout new layout

zoinatt said...

Very Cute outfit love it

Unknown said...

YEAH!! The ribbon jeans are adorable!! And no problem on the quilt, you only have 100 different things going on; not to mention growing the princess!