It's rodeo time people!
Well, it has been for a while now, but it stayed entirely too cold (and yes, snowed) into June again so those outdoor rodeos just weren't happening with a herd of little kids. When I brought up rodeo Aaron said "pick one INdoors! Like Days of '47 or something".
Even though there is now a rodeo arena less than two miles from my house. Maybe next year we'll hit that one.
True to form, I took him up on that. Twice.
Imagine my little heart going pitter patter when I found a killer deal on tickets to the Days of '47 Rodeo on Monday. Take the whole family (yes, all 10 of us!) to the rodeo for less than one ticket to the Journey, Foreigner, Night Ranger concert that the hubs brought up last week? Yes please! A-I'm not old enough for that concert, and B-I would have been looking for Hasselhoff all night long because when I heard Night Ranger I thought Night Rider. Which I guess means I'm old enough to remember that. But just barely.
And besides, Bull riding is SO much better than watching old men jump around stage in pants that are still too tight. If I'm going to watch men in pants that are too tight, they should be on livestock not on stage.
What does it look like to go somewhere with 8 kids?
Thank heaven for the buddy system.
We got there super early to get the best seats we could.
As is evidenced by the rest of the arena being completely empty.
(yes I'm wearing boots. Wait till the pictures from Tuesday night.)
For row 8, I'll sit there an extra hour!
We picked a spot right behind the roping chutes. It was awesome. And gave the kids something to do while we waited.
Look at Dallin. Apparently he lacks the part of my genetics that loves a big deep breath around cows.
Since we have fields of cows minutes from our house, I was shocked that they were so enthralled hanging out with the calves, steers and wild cows (for milking. yes really.).
Then Alaina found the royalty and was all sorts of excited. She practically tackled them.
And after a quick photo op sprinted to my purse where she rummaged for a pen so she could go collect autographs.
We had a great time, and the kids mostly loved it. It got a little long for the middle kids, but Charlotte loved it till the last second.
The evening redeemed itself for those 4, 6 and 8yr old restless boys though when the after-show entertainment was motocross.
Equals this:
And since for a while there was more rodeo going on in our row trying to wrangle kids into their seats than there was down on the floor, Aaron and I went back on Tuesday for date night. Complete with lots of pictures. Because he loves it when I take 863 pictures of us just sitting there.
And we bought him a hat. Come back for that.

If you can take all 8 to a rodeo I should be able to handle half as many to the library... I guess the library discourages kid roping though. :)
Your family is adorable and you inspire me daily! I can't wait for Tuesday nights pics.
LOVE the pix of the "royalty", so funny! You can tell she was freaking out :) I'd rather wash dishes than go to a rodeo. Scratch that, I'd rather clean my room then go to a rodeo. I went to the Oakley rodeo on a date once and was screaming and holding back tears. Those wipes!
@ Laurie…for real! Is it mean that I want to go with just you and Aaron? Though it does look like they did have fun!
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