Summer was awesome this year, despite being a little crazy with new baby, older kids actually having a life now, things like that.
But not wanting it to just go by wasted, we started Adventure Thursdays. And since I was too busy enjoying Summer (and eating up every minute with a newborn before she turned into the chunky little wild woman that she already is) to blog any of it, you get to see it now. Plus this way when next Summer rolls around I can see what we did and use it for a jumping point for ideas for new adventures.
For the first rewind, ZigZag.
I mentioned ZigZag when I finally got around to running it back in the Spring. I had been dying to get hubby and the kids up there since that day and we finally got around to it in July.
Adventure mode with the whole fam means I have Emily wrapped up
And Aaron gets Sam in the backpack.
Everyone else gets to burn off their energy.
They are troopers and I love it!
It's really a pretty short little hike, but a tad steep for little legs in a couple of spots. Still, check out Charli who at this point was actually running. Love.
Highlights on the way up were this pile of sticks that the kids were sure was an eagle nest,
And the view from the top is awesome.
The other side of our city
(those are houses on the left side. really.)
If you look far enough you get Utah Lake over the hills
Our side of of the city and the fields that surround us
This would be the "mid-valley" field and the spot where they are building the new middle school.
And look at the back side of this hill-trails galore!
I did some running through there last year and can't wait to really get back down in there to explore again next year. It's like a whole new world back in those little valleys.
No traipsing through the wilderness would be complete without a bazooka
Or a lightsaber.
(Malia really was with us, she wanted to take this picture)
And sweaty mom and dad from carrying the babies.
Nothing a round of popsicles couldn't fix.

You have quite the band of troopers there! Looks like so much fun…but a wee bit hot!
Hi! I just found your blog. I am just now starting to run. I have never been a runner and never, ever thought I would enjoy it. But after not being able to lose my baby weight from my last baby (eh hem, she just turned four this summer!) a friend told me that in her opinion the easiest way to burn calories is to run. So I thought, well, I'm up for anything. Desperate times, desperate measures, you know? Reluctantly I went out there and at first walked then ran then walked then ran...and now I'm up to running a mile straight through. Then I walk and run, walk and run the next two miles. I try to get 3 miles in per day. I'm hoping to be able to run the entire 3 miles soon. What started out as a "have to" in order to shed the pounds has become something that I look forward to everyday. I love being alone in my thoughts as I job alone the path, up the hills, down the street. I sometimes feel like I can't do it, but I just push through...and I then get in a kind of "zone" where it's easier to keep my pace. I'm new to this whole running thing, but I can see why so many get into it :)
So I was drawn to your blog because you are "another mother runner" LOL but then also - wow, you have eight (almost nine?) children? Hey, me too! Well, I have nine. There are no "almosts" over here. It's just nine. I'm 43 years old so I doubt there will be more.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. I love that you are still in your 30's!! You are so darn lucky! You can still have 3 or 4 more children! Yay for you! I had my first three children in my 20's and then the last six from age 30-39. I've been pregnant a few times in my 40's but those ended in miscarriage :(
I love your photo of the feet! Very cute header!
Your newest follower,
They All Call Me Mom
Hi, new reader here! Found you through the mother runners. Anyway, I'm from the Utah County area too, so I recognize all those places...makes me miss home! My husband and I are currently stationed in California with the Air Force (I'm the member, not him. Heh), so it's been awhile since we've been home. Can't wait to keep reading more! You're a super mom! :)
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