Interrupting the vacay recap with a fabulous moment in mothering.
(And I'm waiting to get the rest of the pics which I won't have till tomorrow, so I'll catch up then.)
Parent Teacher conference was this week.
All the kids are doing fabulously, which always makes a mom (and dad too of course) proud.
I love the things that we get sent home with from these meetings with the teachers, especially with the younger kids.
Dallin is 6 and in first grade. His teacher this year was Jacob's first grade teacher two years ago and we love her. Strangely enough she seems to not be scared of us or having a child of ours again. Phew!
We sat down with Mrs P and chatted for a minute and then she asked "Do you have a big race coming up or something? Dallin's been talking an awful lot about his Mom's running!"
Yay Dallin! Granted she didn't say if it was good or bad talk.....
We explained that I just did St George and she said "ahh....that must be it! We've been hearing about it."
And then she passed us his September journal.
While writing neatly is definitely not his strong point (yet, nor was detailed art work this day apparently), there was one entry that actually made me teary, right there in front of Aaron and Mrs P.
"This is my goel to se my mom fnish a ras."
(this is my goal-to see my mom finish a race)
He is on a scooter because when he comes along on runs with me he rides his bike or scooter.
He has been to a couple of events of mine, but never actually seen me cross a finish line. That he wanted to made my heart happy! That he got to last week makes me even happier.
I have the best fan base in the entire world.

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