....she'll tell you it makes her complete."
Sometimes is just feels good to indulge in something you love.
My daily fix of M&Ms for example.
Or my run this morning.
Oh. my. goodness.
It was short and it was slow. But it was HEAVENLY!!
I've been having some pain in my left foot-ironically the same leg that has knee issues (aren't I WAY too young for this kind of garbage??), so I've not run for a little while.
But I gave that foot a little test run from the store to the car at the back of the parking lot the other day and it felt great. Of course that meant I needed to test it for a slightly longer distance than the length of the Walmart parking lot.
There was a 5K this morning that I desperately wanted to do (proceeds benefit newborn hospice), but Aaron nixed it. I think he's going into protective mode here and worried I'll overdo things.
It's like he's watched me go through seven pregnancies before and knows I get a little stir crazy or something.
Anyway, with that off the calendar, waking up to a pristine perfect morning was just too much.
The Mizunos were calling me from their box. They just needed to get out.
And so did I.
And it felt so good!
Since I'm such a numbers focused person, I left the Garmin at home. That way I was paying more attention to how I felt than what my pace read. So I don't know how far I ran. Somewhere between about 2 1/2-3 miles. (Hey-when you run the same course very frequently, you kind of come to know the landmarks that make decent mile markers)
And pace? Well, I know I hit around 10-10:30/mi at one point for a couple of tenths of a mile, just because I know how my body feels when it settles into a 10min pace. But that didn't last too long until slowing down a bit more felt better. But still enough to get that satisfaction of breaking a good sweat. Why does that feel so good??
It was so nice to run. To feel the sun beating down on me and my feet beating the pavement.
Coupled with the bonus that my running skirt still fits.
The looks I get from people now are priceless too. There is something fun about running with a big old belly!

I was afraid I'd end up on a walk this morning. That wouldn't have been the end of the world by any means, and I'll be there mighty soon I think.
But today, to still feel like I can say "I went running" at 30wks and 4 days pregnant AND have a smile on my face.....well, that my friends feels almost as good as the little toes dancing on my ribs.