Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The knee won. The goal lost.

Almost three weeks into the new year.
No Christmas wrap up, no year end reminiscing, no big post about resolutions.

Holy smokes life is crazy!

Aaron is back in school, two nights a week of clinicals (till the wee hours of the morning) and two nights a week with late classes leaves me playing single mom again.  Only nine more weeks this quarter.....
(not that I'm counting)
Every free moment gets snatched up with something.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate homework?
How about science fairs?  Have I mentioned that I loathe those?

So what does this have to do with a knee and a goal?
Oh hey, how about I do part of an end of the year wrap up?
Ok, I will!

The only real goals for last year that I ever put up here on ye olde blog were running goals.  Thanks to one of those fabulous TAG posts, I did share those.  And they were:

Currently-to actually be able to run again.  for more than a mile and a half. 
Sad.  (curse you knee!)
Already signed up for my first 2011 Tri, so I'm gunning to run that leg faster than I did last time I did this event, especially since my baby will be the same age as my last baby was last time I did this Tri.
Run 1000 miles.
Run my first marathon.
New PRs all the way around (5K, 10K and 1/2).

Good news!
I ran again.  For more than a mile and a half.  phew!
I KILLED the run leg on that tri.  36:25 the first time I did that event, 26:12 this past year.  Killed.
I ran my first marathon.  Loved it.
Hit new PRs, by more than 4min on the 5k, more than 14min on the 10k (I'd only raced one before, while sick, and 9wks post baby so that wasn't hard to beat!), and though I didn't race any half marathons, I did a handful of training runs that had me at or sub 2hrs at the 13mile mark so I know I could have raced a PR.  Close enough for me.   Plus I clocked my fastest mile ever at 6:54.  For a not so speedy gal, that felt good!

But that 1000 miles....Oh, the thousand miles.
That's where the knee won.  After a very wimpy start to the year mileage-wise while I fiddled with my knee and then ITband, I did some great makeup work during the summer as I trained for St George.  But the good old IT band again, and then the knee as well, foiled me in the last few months of the year.  I didn't even hit 900.  Ouch.
But oh well.  Life goes on, now I have a fresh new year in front of me and I'm ticking away at that 1000 mark.  Better to have babied my left leg through it's issues and have it functional now.  Hopefully there won't be much babying required.  Well, at least for anything other than the baby.
So can I hit 1000 this year even though there will be a little break thanks to baby?  We'll see!



XLMIC said...

Don't sweat the numbers :) You are awesome!