Apparently my blogging breaking point was being pregnant with my tenth child and having a husband that traveled 100% of the time for work. Going through a transition of learning to do everything by myself between Sunday afternoon around 3:00 until Thursday night around 11:00 was slightly challenging! Solo parenting is no joke. With the pregnancy exhaustion on top of that, I was in survival mode much more frequently than I would have liked. When Friday and Saturday rolled around every minute was consumed with trying to spend time with Aaron and chipping away at the big to-do list of things that I couldn't do without him.
This left little to no time for dumping my thoughts and experiences here.
Thank goodness for Instagram! At least I have a photo journal and little pieces of thoughts and stories that I could jot down in a minutes or so.
I miss blogging. I keep thinking "I'll get to that this week!", and have even left a browser window open on the computer with this blog up and waiting for me to jump back in, all to no avail. Life just keeps happening.
Then this weekend a couple of my kids started talking about something I had completely forgotten. A day when they got in the powdered sugar and strung it all over the house and then tried to tell me they hadn't been in the powdered sugar. We all had a good laugh while I dug through the deep recesses of my brain trying to remember the incident. I had completely forgotten about it. Then as they kept talking I remembered that I had blogged it way back when.
That's when I realized that I REALLY need to be blogging. Because this mommy brain just isn't what it used to be, and there are a number of things I am sure will be lost in the oblivion if they aren't jotted down here. That makes me sad. I have written down random things in notebooks and on a list in my phone, but usually that is a quick little snippet to remind me of what I need to write down, and, well...yeah. Let's just say that there are about ten snippets that were written down as blog titles and saved as drafts with the intention that I would come here and tell the whole story, and looking at them now I have no clue what I was talking about. And the notebooks? I may or may not ever see them again. At least the little things I have on my phone might stick around long enough for me to do something with them!
Now life has settled into another new routine, Aaron's job has changed to significantly less travel (yahoo!!), and I have found my motivation, it's time to dust off the old Zoo here and pick back up. Lots of missing pieces to fill in (um, the baby is almost three months old?!?), and lots of adventures coming up I have no doubt. So many fun and exciting pieces of life to share, and many mundane and senseless things as well I am sure. Because that's how we roll.
Welcome back to the crazy!
It's nice to hear you're back xx
ReplyDeleteYay! I am so excited that you're blogging again!