Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Me and My Big Mouth

Summer is prime time for marshmallows.

You know, s'mores and all that.

But when there is no camping going on and you've already had your fill of indoor s'mores, it's time to bump things up to the next level.

Reverting to adolesence and talking your children into seeing who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth.
Preferably without choking or vomiting.
What a good mom I am!

So on a quiet Sunday night as Aaron was tucked away in our bedroom in a narcotic induced stupor, and the two littlest littles were tucked into bed for the night, we commenced the first annual Marshmallow Mouth Full contest.

Jacob was up first, but fell victim to the circumstances..."mmmfmfmfmmsmm mmmmf!"

translation:  "stop it you're making me laugh!"  And he was out.
Lincoln started out nice and organized,

but he too fell victim to the laughing.

Dallin was up next, did great,

and then choked.

Well, not really choked-I am a (mostly) responsible parent, so when he started coughing a bit (thus the watery eyes) I made him stop before he really choked.  He's actually laughing in this picture.  I swear.

Malia was next.  Very methodical in her stuffing those marshmallows in.

Cramming them in as much as possible.

Far surpassing what any of the three before her had accomplished.

Then Alaina.

The big thinker.

The big talker.

Who in the end was outdone by her big sister.

Taylor was nice and modest,

Content to stop once he had surpassed his goal by ten.

Smart kid.

And then it was my turn.
Yes I let the kids take picture of me.  And yes, I'm sharing them.
I started out with ten nice neat little piles of ten.  Not sure what exactly I could accomplish.

But I shoved and crammed

Until I had monkey face.

Had I realized (as I started gagging) that I was only 7 behind what Malia had made it to, you'd better believe that I would have found a way to shove seven more of those suckers somewhere in my lips before I had to spit them out.
But I did not, and thus graciously admitted defeat to my 12 year old daughter who is now the reigning champion with 87.
That's a lot of marshmallows.

And just for good measure, I bought some of those mega giant suckers.

These babies are huge!

Before this whole thing started I really thought I could get more than one in my mouth.
After the mini marshmallows I decided there was no way.

Though Alaina persisted in thinking she could get three in there, once one was in her mouth she finally realized it just wasn't going to happen.
She did get her lips closed though.

And I did get one in there.

My gag reflex was a little sensitive by this point, so it took some work, but I did it.

Everyone  fell short of their guesses aside from Taylor and I.  The first number is our guess (crossed out and re-guessed by a couple of kids once we got started), the brackets are the final numbers.

Who out there is going to beat 87 for me?  Anyone?



  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun! I don't think I could even come close to getting that many in my mouth, but I've never tried---maybe we'll have nothing to do one day and try our own competition :o) love the idea!

  2. HA!!!! love this! Totally taking this idea!

  3. oh boy! Dallin is busted with the thumb on camera, ha.
