Tuesday, July 5, 2011

11 months

Very appropriate that this wild little child celebrated being one month older on Independence Day.

There is so much to celebrate as he marks one more month of the journey to his first birthday.
Independence in him that one year ago we never imagined possible!

I think he may be growing tired of these monthly photo shoots though.

Does he look annoyed to you?

He's getting tricky.
Here is the fake smile.  The "ok, I'll cooperate for you" smile.

Then comes the diversionary tactic....

"oh hey look!  over there!"

You turn your head for a second and he's gone!

Such a stinker!  I love every second of it.

I love those big brown eyes.

And the giant noggin, just right for covering in kisses.

I love those two little bottom teeth.

And that round little nose. 

He is so into everything lately, there is never a dull moment.  He's trying to keep up with the rest of them.  I never imagined that for him.  
It makes my heart happy.

He's cruising along nicely.  We still need to be close by because his balance isn't stellar, but he loves to be up!  He is *this close* to pulling himself up on his own as well.

Here he is cruising in his favorite place:

Yep, he's crying.  Because I'm not putting him *in* the tub.  This boy would live in the bath if we let him.  We say the word bath and he flips out.  We get him naked and turn on the water and he squeals with delight.  It's awesome.

So very much about this child is awesome.  It still amazes me daily.

 Eleven months of pure joy.


  1. Such a cutie! Almost a year!! I can't believe it!

  2. love him! I miss him, need to see asap!
