Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's cookie time!

Girl Scout cookie time.

That means Thin Mints people!

And Tagalongs!

And Samoas!

(and I'd better start running every day again apparently)

Now here is the shameless plug for my daughter.
Malia has recently joined Girl Scouts. So if no cute little piggy tailed Brownies come knocking on your door but you want your cookies (and another 4 boxes to go in the freezer if you're like me), she's happy to hook you up.

Let's just hope I don't blow an entire month's grocery budget on the beloved little boxes of joy.
(but if I did I could call a year's worth of cookies our food storage, right?)



  1. Hurray for Girl Scout Cookies!!! I love them!!! Thanks for stopping by so I could order thin mints.

  2. Remind me of the kinds and the prices... you can email me. I can probably help support the cause....

  3. I didn't know Malia is in GS, Tyra's been a Daisy Scout for a couple of months now and she's selling cookies too. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. does she deliver to california??

    My "years" supply never lasts more than a month. I can inhale a sleeve of thin mints in about 4 minutes...

    (second attempt because I apparently can't spell when I'm pregnant)

  6. Oooh...Sign me up for some Thin Mints!!!

  7. why don't I like these? I've tried, honest.
    Wish she was selling Mrs. Fields Nibblers....this week :)
