Friday, January 15, 2010

Baby it's COLD outside!

These pictures are from a couple of days ago, but it looks like this every day lately.

At 3:00 this afternoon, when the sun was shining through the fog, everything was still frozen like this!

It's beautiful out here in the winter. The photos don't even come close to capturing it.

I also have to say that I love the fog that settles in on our little valley when it's cold.

Sometimes it's so thick you can actually look at the sun.

Uhhh, not that I'd look directly at the sun. You're not supposed to look directly at the sun!

Driving home from the store this afternoon the fog was so thick that there were some spots where we couldn't even see 100 feet in front of and around us. And anything we could see was very white!
The interesting thing is that driving just a short 3 1/2 miles to the hill that takes you out of our valley takes you out of the fog completely, and out of the lasting frost. 5 minutes away from here it just looks like the dead left over after the January thaw instead of our little winter wonderland. I'm glad I'm tucked away in the valley.

I guess the advantage of it being so cold that your car door is frozen shut, your garbage can is frozen to the ground, and even cold enough that a pipe will freeze-INside your house, is that it sure looks pretty!
