Yes really.
Usually I'd be all "I can't stay out late every night because I need to get up early to run!" but since I am currently on day 3 of peroneal tendon induced rest, I'm living on the wild side and once again staying up past 10:30 and sleeping in past 5. I may need some psychiatric care if I still can't run come my scheduled long run on Saturday. But that's another post. Let's get back to rodeo!
After the craziness that is taking eight children age 12 and under out to an event that doesn't end until after 10 and is then followed by an hour's drive home (on which NO ONE fell asleep), we decided we wanted to go and really enjoy the rodeo. Not that we didn't have fun with the kids, but sometimes Tuesday date nights are the very best ones!
We were tempted to bring Charli along because she heard me say "rodeo" and commenced a celebration that included jumping in place for nearly five minutes and screaming "Me want go see the horseys! Let's go rodeo again! yay! yay! Horseys! Yay!" I love that girl.
Thankfully she was good with going back to the activity that had occupied most of her day, swinging a rope over her head and yelling "yee-haw!"
I totally neglected to take pictures of Aaron eating dinner. Which is a bummer because he loved it so much last time. But I still managed to take a sufficiently obnoxious number of pictures from arm's length.
Like these in the car.
The "I have pointy vampire teeth and a gigantic jaw" picture:
The "whoops I pushed the button before I meant to" picture:
The "laughing because I pushed the button too early last time" picture:
The "I have a double chin which totally shocks Aaron" picture:
The "all these pictures are making me tired" picture:
The "we're stuck in traffic and.....I'm not sure what face Aaron is making" picture:
The people at Costa Vida would have totally loved it if we'd have done this all through dinner I'm sure.
By the way Costa Vida was super yummy! Right up there with Cafe Rio.
Also even though I was all gussied up in my western wear (yep, even a shirt with boob pockets and snaps!), I stayed true to myself.
Boots and Balegas. Awesome combination.
Also it made me feel a little better since I missed my 8 miler this morning because I was busy icing my foot that better get better real soon because otherwise all of the calories I am still eating but not running off will start catching up with me dangit.
Monday night we were down at the roping chutes, Tuesday we got tickets down by the bull/bronc chutes.
Fabulous seats again! And more arm length pictures! And lots of exclamation marks because he loves them so much!!!
Also, I told Aaron if we went again I was wearing a hat.
I wasn't kidding.
And he needed one too.
Aww...look at us being all country together....
And me laughing because the people around us were wondering why the heck we were taking so many pictures of ourselves.
See that girl in the pink next to me? I think she was bugged at the pictures. Never mind the fact that her leg was actually ON my chair most of the night which had me sitting sideways so my legs were practically on top of Aaron. He never said anything so I really don't think he minded all that much but seriously-sit on your own chair please!
This is Aaron's favorite event-other than barrel racing-the wild cow milking.
Sorry for the blur, I turned off the flash because I am a rule follower like that.
Do you see that guy running? This is good stuff.
If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing this, teams of two-one on horse, one on foot-rope a cow then have to milk it and get enough milk in a little bottle that it's pourable.
First team to do that wins. It's hilarious. Half the time after the cow gets roped it lays down to get the guys to back off, but you can't milk it while it's laying down so then they're trying to get it to stand back up, at which point it bolts again.
Way too entertaining to watch.
I enjoyed the bronc riding more than I have in the past. Our across-the-street neighbor rides broncs, he got stomped on pretty good a couple of months ago. Smashed femur, hoof kind of scalped him....pretty messy. Those guys are crazy!
Almost as crazy as the bull riders.
8 seconds can be a very very long time.
And this was one of the more quiet gentle rides.
Now I'm going to go ice my foot and watch 8 Seconds. And make a conscious effort to stop speaking with a drawl.