Do you have any idea what you were doing on that date? 11 years ago today?
I do.
My husband was working. He was selling cars at the time. Great money, crappy environment, awful hours.
I was very pregnant. Sitting home alone. Watching "must see tv".
Friends to be exact.
The one where Phoebe has the triplets.
It's a funny episode. We actually watched it again last night. I laughed at a lot of it.
I'd forgotten that her dr was obsessed with Fonzi. That was funny. I'd forgotten that Chandler was a girl. That was funny too.
Eleven years ago when I watched it the first time it aired, I was officially overdue with my first child.
I didn't laugh at all. I cried my eyes out through the entire half hour. While I sat home alone. Kind of bummed to be alone with hubby working, but kind of grateful that he wasn't there watching me have an emotional melt down.
I was so bugged that Phoebe got to deliver her babies and mine was stuck inside me with no sign of coming out anytime soon.
Last night I laughed. It was much more enjoyable that the first time I watched it.
But then I teared up too. Ironically because this time when I watched it remembering how anxious I was to have my first baby, I find myself wishing there were another baby in there.
Talk about a turn of events.
I guess that whole motherhood journey never makes much sense, does it?
That was fun.
Lets to three next time....whadaya say?
That's crazy that you remember that!
I love that episode!! Chandler's a girl, Chandler's a girl :)
"Just so you know, I'm not Fonzie."
"I want to keep one"
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