It's tradition here (just like it is for everyone else) to do first and last day of school pictures. Except I just don't bother to do all of the cute little pinterest signs that everyone else does now. Digital file = date tagging = close enough for me.
Thankfully unlike last year, this year did not include an hour of frustration trying to track down kids (or one kid in particular) in attempt to take the darn picture. It also did not include crazy five day postpartum mom which helped immensely.
The beginning:
And since Emily was still asleep for that picture, one with her:
Hey, Sam stood in the line for one of them, even if he was in pajamas. I take what I can get!
And the end...note not only how the kids have grown, but how Lincoln's obsession with that shirt continued and how the girls just didn't care as much as they did in the beginning of the school year. oh well. All kids, no pjs, and I caught Emily before she ran out of the picture. Good enough!
It's hard to believe we have already made it through the first month of summer. We don't even have two full months left! On the one hand I am super excited for the end of August to get here-that means it will be time for Hood to Coast with the Nuun team! Oh the other hand, it means that school will be starting and summer will be over. So not cool.
We are soaking up every minute of summer that we can get! The kids are off on various adventures with each other and with friends. We got a little brave and let Malia go away to Colorado for the weekend with a friend. I love that her friend's mom sent us this picture.
She travels as well as I do! Don't worry, I have picture proof of me coming up soon too.
Our four older boys went with my parents to Oregon for a weekend. People are growing up all over the place!
We've had four fabulous weeks of summer vacation so far.
Four weeks of beautiful mornings,
and twilight performances in the back yard.
Of lazy mornings in mom and dad's bed,
and story time in the pop up tent.
We also fit two dogs in there with us. It was cozy.
Weeks of learning new things, like how to do our signature two thumbs up pose,
how to give foot/leg rubs (never too early to learn!)
and learning that your dad can still rock a drum set.
There have been adventures like scout camp,
and thankfully only one injury so far-a head wound at 9:30 on a Sunday night. Dallin vs the corner of the kitchen counter. Between a lot of pressure and a lot of prayer we were able to avoid a trip to the ER for stitches!
And of course the summer time favorites.
Like Family BBQ's, and seeing my baby brother who I haven't seen for a couple of years (years people!)
(I swear those Cheetos were not mine. Ew.)
chalk drawings
more play in the giant inflatable ball
and almost daily pool time for the water babies. Soaking up every second of summer.
And though sick days stink, especially during summer, snuggling makes it a little better.
Only 50ish days left. Planning to enjoy every single one!
I hear ya! Summer goes by all too quickly! I only have 5 weeks from this coming Monday....FIVE WEEKS! Until the younger 3 go to school and 7 weeks until #1 goes to school. I am sad already