Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A week of firsts

Last week was a week of firsts here.

The first run in a tank and skirt.  Yippee!!  I cannot begin to tell you how happy this makes me after working to get through runs like this one.

This week was also the first stroller run of the season.

Happy to have this view again!  Even if it was windy enough that it felt like pushing a brick wall.  I forgot how much harder it is to run with the beast than on my own. Between growth of kids and shrinking of me, the stroller weighs more than me now.  

I may need to time these better during the day as Emily wasn't exactly thrilled this time.  She voiced her displeasure for most of the last two miles.  It was easier when she was tiny and immediately went to sleep.  We'll work on that.  I think she's just irritated that she isn't running herself.  She'll learn to love it again.  I have faith in her.
We had to wait till the afternoon to run since it's still pretty darn chilly in the morning here, which meant Lincoln joined us on his bike.  As though to make a point, mother nature couldn't just let the wind be a bother, she had to send plenty of tumbleweeds our way.  It made for some good laughs.

We went from celebrating the fact that the weather was creeping up to the 50s and shot right to 70 degrees yesterday.  70!  That's a fabulous first for the year.  Too bad we'll see snow again in a few days.

It was Emily's first time in the backyard swing.

She loved it.
The older kids loved it to.  I LOVE that they loved it just as much as she did.  It is so awesome that they get to share in the fun and joy of a little one experiencing life for the first time.

It was also Emily's first time swimming.
(don't worry, we were indoors of course)
We have been blessed with kids who love the water and she is no exception.  Sadly, I didn't get the camera out till a half a second before she was done.   Like DONE done.

But I still love that picture.

It was Sam's first time at this pool and he had an absolute blast.  He could not get enough!
I'm also happy to report that Aaron and I survived our first trip to the pool with all nine kids and no casualties.  Though I am always in headcount mode, I think I counted to 9 more times in that hour and a half than I ever have in my life.  And then there were enough other kids in the pool that I went to the name rundown every ten seconds.  MaliaTaylorAlainaJacobDallinLincolnCharlotteSamEmily.  MaliaTaylorAlainaJacobDallinLincolnCharlotteSamEmily.  MaliaTaylorAlainaWait a second, why can't I see Jacob? Oh thank goodness there he is!DallinLincolnCharlotteSamEmily.   Good times.
Really good times.



  1. Cute pictures. Glad you got a little glimpse into the warmer weather... even if it doesn't last.

    Nothing is more stressful than family outings to the pool. You guys are very brave!

  2. I am SO with you on the head count....because one time, it actually came into play.....going many, MANY times through the names, spotting each child, and not seeing #3. The frantic swell inside the chest when you CAN'T FIND #3! And there he was.....at the bottom (only 3 feet), but it was deeper than he was tall....I was actually able to get to home with harm done....but had I not been counting.....

    You are a good momma!
