Friday, June 8, 2012

The dust is settling...

Back to real life.
Actually I kind of had to make the jump back to real life pretty quickly this time around, thus disappearing from the online world for a while.

I took advantage of the two full days at the hospital, which is odd for me...someone who is usually chomping at the bit to get home well before 24hrs is up.  To be completely honest, this delivery was a little tiring.  I've done posterior babies before, but never all the way through delivery.  To go through with delivering a sunny side up baby was a little more difficult than I anticipated.  It actually took longer to get Emily out than it did to deliver Sam's giant head.  Completely not what I expected (shouldn't your ninth baby just kind of fall out?!), but oh well.  

I came home Sunday afternoon, and on Monday Aaron had to do a PICU shift (7am-7pm, which means leaving at 530 and getting home around 830) to work toward finishing his capstone hours.  I did get him home part of Tuesday and Wednesday before he did another PICU shift on Thursday.  So yeah...back to real life real quick.  

But I'm used to the chaos, so it's pretty much been the same old same old.

With frequent nursing breaks and a serious addition of cuteness.

This sweet little girl is amazing.  Such a treat!
Are babies ever not amazing though?

She really is a sweetheart.

The kids are madly in love with her, constantly asking to hold her or even just look at her while she sleeps.

I too am madly in love with her.

Can't get enough of the cheeks!


1 comment:

  1. Madly.In.LOVE.

    Love, love, love that pic of Emily and Charlotte.
