Monday, February 28, 2011

Waking Up

This morning we're off to visit the Neurosurgeon.

You know what's amazing?  That head that was bulging so much two weeks ago?   Looking awfully normal for the past few days.  The veins that were popping out?  Nice and flat now.  We are so grateful for the prayers in our little Sam's behalf.  I will never understand that people don't believe in the power of prayer.

Now an appointment that I was nervous about a two weeks ago suddenly seems very routine.  Perfectly calm, not a worry on the radar.  It is a good feeling.

I am also going to stop by the palliative care office at the Children's Hospital to see the sweet nurse who visited us in the hospital when Sam was born, and has called asking about him a couple of times.  I am so excited to show her how well Sam is doing.  That will be fun.

And since it seemed fitting for a Monday morning.....
I mentioned being a meanie and filming Sam as he was still groggy from his after the sedation from his MRI.  I have a feeling he will follow in the footsteps of the others and talk in his sleep.

I hope you woke up a little better than this today.
And that if you didn't, you also got to stick your thumb in your mouth and drift back off to sleep!

Off we go to neurosurgery!



  1. Sending a few more prayers your way.

  2. He is such a precious miracle! My dear husband leaned over to me at Stake Conference yesterday and said,"That baby is just so cute!" I told him, "That's Sam that I told you about, remember the cute pictures I showed you and his incredible story." He is a blessing to all of us to be able to see the power of prayer and that miracles still exist.

  3. Happy, Wonderful Thoughts for your visit today!

  4. May today's visit go well :)

    I was bowled over with "oh, my!"-ness at that video! He is just the cutest, most precious, Catey! One big AWWWWWWW :)

  5. I didn't know he sucked his thumb! I've NEVER seen him do that before. He is so cute, love him.
    Amen Becky, Amen!

  6. Aw..... how cute! Poor little guy. Continued prayers
