Friday, February 11, 2011

6 months

One of these months I'm actually going to get his monthly pictures up on the day he hits that month.  For now I'm a week late again.  But I wanted to get to his 6 month check up first and get his official measurements.  It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm just a procrastinator.

Sam is weighing in at 14lbs 14oz, and is just a smidge over 26 inches long.  Little guy!

And now to brag on my baby.

He is fabulous.


Incredible, wonderful and stinkin' adorable.  ]

And he sleeps now too.  Woo-hoo!!!
Granted that is largely due to the fact that he found his thumb.

Oh well.  It's cute now.  I'll worry about it when he's bigger.  For now, sleep is way too precious.

Still working in sitting up.  Getting closer!

Look at this boy genius:

Ok, so that was the four year old's interpretation of "come and make Sam smile for me", but Sam is close.  Loves grabbing those feet anyway.   And already has a favorite book.

He is amazingly strong-loving to stand up now.

And he has pretty good balance to boot:

even when chewing on my hand.  Which is constant now.  But that's ok, I'd rather it be my hand than something else.
(look-the veins in my hand are almost as big as the veins in his head!)

He scoots and rolls all over the place.  He can't quite get up on all fours yet, that whole keeping the bum up while coordinating the lifting of his giant noggin just isn't happening right now.  That's ok.  Too soon to really be mobile yet anyway.  At least too soon for me.  



  1. Every time you post pictures of Sam, I cannot get over how STINKIN' CUTE he is!!! Just TOO! Almost crawling... ut-oh...

  2. love him! He makes me smile everytime I see that face :)
