Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas.....

And at 11:23 they still aren't all in bed!  Ack!

The three oldest are hanging out, playing a game with Dad.

The Lego Hogwarts game is awesome by the way.

Hopefully you are tucked snugly in bed.
I am about to go get all the presents out and fill stockings and all that good stuff.
So for now I leave you with my rag-tag crazy herd, and the closest thing we get to a decent picture with a couple of sickies and a case of the Christmas crazies.  And a preteen who is in that "I'm too cool" stage apparently.

Love the Christmas jammies.
Can't wait to try and squeeze them all on to one couch next year!

I am so looking forward to the kids tomorrow morning, especially Charlotte, who was so excited we thought she might have an aneurism when she got to unwrap a deck of Uno cards today.  It was fabulous.
The baking is done, the wrapping is done, and now it's time for me to be done.
Good night all, and Merry Christmas!



  1. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely, happy, "too cool" herd! Love the jammies! I'm up way too late but just finished making Santa's treasure hunt (he hides all of the gifts at our house and leaves little clues around). May tomorrow be a splendid day!

  2. LOVE this picture!!! I love that I can see Phoebs in the front :)
    This is a great pix! Can't wait for the teen years. he he

  3. Love the picture with all the kids-so cute!

  4. I was expecting to see LOTS and LOTS of MONKEYS!!! ;)
    Your kids are always so dang cute!

  5. LOVE the jammies!
    Love the Balls!
