Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3 months-the latest on Sam

Ok, so yes, he will be 4 months old on Friday.  Oh my word!   4 months?!

I am so behind.

But these pictures were too cute not to share.  So even though I am so behind I'm sharing anyway!

At 3 months old this beautiful little boy is such a treat.  He is just a happy content kid (for the most part).

He is doing remarkably well holding up his head, and tries his darnedest to pick that giant noggin up when he's laying on his tummy.  He's definitely making progress!

He loves the swing and is a pretty good sleeper.  And those two go well together.  Many naps happen courtesy of the swing.

He is grabbing things whenever he can reach and loves to get his hand to his mouth.  Do you have any idea what a huge thing it is for him to be functionally able to get his hand to his mouth?  Happiness.

He loves being part of the chaos here.  He gets irritated when he can't be propped up or held so that he has a good view of what's going on around him.

He is a water baby just as much, if not many time more so than the others have been.  There is nothing that a very warm bath won't cure for this kid!

He is working on strengthening his legs, and starting to want to stand himself up on a lap when being held.

He is wiggly and squirmy and smiley, and enjoys hearing himself squawk and squeal.

And his laugh....oh my word his laugh.....

(I will share it with you as soon as Blogger cooperates and lets me upload it)

I swear that giggle is more beautiful and happy every single day.



  1. Positively Perfect! So Cute! Best miracle ever!

  2. I love Sam! Love love love love him. He makes me smile everytime I see him and his laugh...oh my word!
    I love that lil snuggler!

  3. What a fantastic series of photos! He has so much personality! And looks just sooooo snugglicious!
