Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things we did this Summer, part one

The farm.
One of my favorite places. Not as favorite as a real farm, but close.

Also it makes a good meet in the middle place so we can drag my sister and her kids along.

We lucked out and had my mom along as well. Granted I don't think she necessarily thinks that whole downsizing/forced early retirement thing was lucky per se, but heck, the timing was perfect for the rest of us!

Charlotte is obsessed with horses.

She figured if she just beckoned it would come right to her.

So naturally she loved every second of the pony ride.

But flip flops in the horse corral...I can't say I would recommend that.
Also black wrap shirt while 7mo pregnant when it's a bazillion degrees outside not recommended. I had a river of sweat down my back after about 2 minutes. Lovely visual, no?

This sight made me glad I was not expecting twins:

Aww...look at my little kiddies all lined up....
Oh wait....
There they are!

We lucked out and did not encounter any inappropriate birds this visit.

And one more thing.



1 comment:

  1. LLAMA FACE! Me & Cortney pass that text around like crazy. sooo funny
