Monday, August 16, 2010

I never paid much attention

To a lot of little things that suddenly are front and center every day.

Things that I've taken for granted with all of my other babies. My "normal" babies.

Now I am blown away by the fact that Samuel can bring his hands to his mouth. I never realized that such a simple thing could be so important.
That he has a killer grip-especially on that eye mask while in the light bed. (Can't begin to count how many times I crawled out of bed to his crying last night to find that he'd pulled it down to his chin. And on that note-he cries!)
He smiles so big in his sleep. Those sleep smiles have always been a love of mine, but now it holds the hope that he will smile on purpose in the coming months....and that is a big deal.
He flinches and squirms when a camera flash goes off, meaning his eyes work at least to some degree....we didn't know if we could count on that.
I am changing a million little diapers every day so things are functioning inside-I never knew it was possible to be so happy about full diapers.

It's interesting to sit in the not knowing camp. Beyond frustrating at some times, incredibly humbling at others.

If nothing else, it certainly enhances perspective on life. And all those "little" things.

(you know, like these little bird legs. Love them!!)


  1. LOVE the little bird legs! He is a total cutie!

  2. What a sweet, sweet boy! He is truly a miracle and as cute as ever!

  3. He is just so adorable!! Love brand new ones and all those wonderful little milestones :)

    I have a son with autism and although it came on at about 14 months, I have learned that I celebrate the small things daily and it is good for my soul considering the less than ideal circumstances.

    Kudos for seeing the little miracles, they truly are beautiful :)

  4. He is beautiful and doing so well!

  5. Love hearing about little Sam! Also a great reminder to enjoy the small things I so often take for granted.

  6. good thoughts! He is sooo gooey I can't even stand it.

  7. He is so cute, Catey. You are so blessed to have such a sweet little one.

  8. Every time I see a picture of him, he's absolutely breathtaking! What a precious miracle! The little things in life really are the BIG things sometimes-I think we all forget that at one point or another-thanks for the reminder!

  9. He is so sweet Catey! Simply amazing and adorable!

  10. What a sweetheart of a baby! I'm so proud of him and you!
