Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Virtual Race Report- 3 High Fives

For obvious reasons my race schedule this year is pretty much zero. When the 1/2 in March got bagged due to being thoroughly entrenched in morning sickness (still) I was bummed. Then life came crashing down 5 days later so that really didn't matter anymore. There's a nice dose of perspective for you, huh?

Since I'm (already?!) getting to the point where I can't guarantee that my veins won't be trying to burst from my skin, my knee won't totally let go, that I won't wet myself or that my sciatic nerve might actually behave, scheduling any race at this point is iffy. Don't get me wrong, I'm still eyeing a handful of 5 and 10k's in the next two months.... (shh....don't tell my husband....)

The nice thing is that a solution is presenting itself-in the form of Virtual Racing.

While I am all about getting my run fix on a daily basis while it's still possible, it is different when you are running for something other than to just run. It's nice. It's motivating.

What is a virtual race? No assigned location or start time, no ridiculous entry fees-just run and report the race on your own. Then everyone links up their reports and finish times and it's all one big happy kumbaya for runners who happened to find each other online.

This is where my husband would roll his eyes and tell me that I have running issues. Of all the issues I could have in life, I'll take it!

Today's 5/5 5k was courtesy of Mel over at Tall Mom on the Run. She's entirely too cute. And like a foot taller than me. But cute tall, not like scary tall.
Mel has been raising funds for Marathon for the Cure (Komen), so all that was involved in this race was a donation to the cause, and a 5K run on May 5th. Happy Cinco by the way.
So I signed up. And signed Sam up too.

He was coming along for the run anyway, but hey, the kid believes in a good cause so we made it official.
This looks like pre-race belly mug shots or something.

Yes-those are his actual feet on his race bib. And yes I made him a race bib. Take that.

Number 8-since he is of course our number 8, and 169 for me, as today I am 169 days pregnant.

What I lack in creativity I make up for with......uh.....something else I hope.

I love running against just me-not worrying about anyone else around me-but still hoping to push myself.

And it was a beautiful day for a run!

Since this is a "pick your own course" run, I chose to start at Unity Pass and run home across the valley.

The view to the east:

The view to the west:

It's almost like someone took a chunk out of one of the flat states (Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, pick anything in the middle) and plopped it right here in the middle of the Rockies.
Also, I learned that apparently the effort of trying to take a picture of myself mid-run using my phone must send my brain into overload.

Do you see that vein? It looks like it's going to explode right out the middle of my forehead. Nice.

Note to self: photos of surroundings while running, fine. Photos of self while running, uh, no.

I was hoping to come in at 30min or less (which was ironically my goal for my very first 5k), but just barely missed it. Can't help but think if I'd just pushed a little tiny bit harder..... But considering that I neglected to wear a compression tank, and left my belly band at home it was a tad bit more of an ab challenge to run today, so I'll take it.

Out of focus and sweaty, but still smiling.
The official finish time: 30min 22 seconds.
That sounds SO slow to me for a 5k, but I'm totally pulling the pregnancy card on this one. And since it's under 10min/mi, I'll live with it.
Average of 9:49/mi, though I did apparently find a burst of energy in there somewhere as the good old Garmin says I topped out at 7:50 at some point. Go me! er, Go us!

Leaving you with one more photo-just for you Mel! Tall Mom's signature two thumbs up-before heading out (pre-switching race bibs to back because who can run with two papers stuck to the front of them?):

Thanks for the race!



  1. I wish I could have joined you (I'm feeling rather lazy these days) but as I said before, it would take a couple pair of depends for me to make it! And I'm not joking about that...wish I were, believe me!

    Congrats though! You and Sam did a terrific job :)

  2. Nice. I would totally lie, take pix and say!

  3. What an awesome idea! A virtual 5k. Wow, wish I'd known and could have registered. I did my personal 5k this morning too. You are amazing, running 6 mo pregnant and from the front, you can't even tell. Catey Ball, you're my hero!

  4. You were taking pictures.... that is where your 22.... no, 23 seconds went.... So, see? You totally finished under 30 minutes. :)

  5. YOU are such a rockstar, my friend!

  6. I would have loved to have joined you, but I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep up with you. I can barely run a 5K in 40 min.

    You are seriously my hero!!! I'm not even pregnant and I still can't keep up with you.

  7. LOVE IT!! Glad I am not scary Tall. Links will be up Wednesday.. Thank you BOTH for participating..

  8. I love the double bibs! Fun photos!
