Sunday, May 16, 2010

Local UT People!!! Go Enter!!!

And here's some more exclamation points, just for my husband!!!!!!!!!!!

Take that dear!

I have this cute friend, who also happens to be an awesome photographer. I told her I'd be happy to put her giveaways here on the blog, and then last time I totally missed her message about it until it was too late. And now, here I am again-days later than I should be.... What a schmuck I am sometimes.

So here's the deal: Cute Niki is giving away a family photo session. And not only that-you also get a cd with photos from the session! Everyone knows that the hardest part of photos is that too often you have to pay through the nose for prints. And when you have a herd of beautiful children-how do you even narrow it down to which prints you want so you can show them off? Exactly.

So go to Niki's blog HERE-the Take Me Out to the Ball Game post. (if for some reason that doesn't work, it's All you have to do is leave a comment to enter. That's it! No jumping through hoops, finding some hidden something somewhere on the blog, no dragging through for your personal favorite photo or any of that. Though I do highly recommend going through her blog-she does some beautiful work!

You have today and tomorrow, but entries are only accepted until tomorrow-Monday May 17th, so get on it!


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