Friday, October 2, 2009

Winners, winners everywhere!

Happy Friday!

Isn't winning fun? I won a giveaway over at Fit This, Girl last night! So Yay me, and Yay for someone else here this morning too!

And did I mention that there are going to be some Uber lucky winners here for the rest of the month?! Yep, I did. And I'll keep mentioning it over and over and over too. You know how I am.

Today's winner gets the pattern of their choice from the adorable Bugga Bugs shop.

And the lucky gal is....... #10

sarah said...

I love this shop. There will probably be some of these under the tree at our house this Christmas too. I would pick the three little pigs (this is a big story at our house).

September 25, 2009 8:19 PM

Congrats Sarah! email me to confirm your choice.

Everyone else, get geared up to use your little fingers to enter! October giveaways start today and just get better and better every week!

oh, and if anyone wants to clue me in on how to actually get the box to show up here, that would be great!

winner chosen using

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