Friday, October 9, 2009

October Freebie #2

Does everyone know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month? I sure hope so! If you've missed the pink everywhere, start looking for it. You'll be amazed at how much is out there!

And speaking of pink, remember that other package I said I got this week? I opened it up, and it was pink! This week's giveaway sponsor is so awesome that they generously sent me one of their products in addition to the one you get to win!

(no, that's not me, I forgot to have the hubs take a picture for me!)
What is this wonderful thing?

No, I'm not blushing, I'm talking about Blush, the topless undershirt!

Never heard of Blush? You are seriously missing out.

I first ran into Blush at a Baby Expo when I was expecting my youngest. I had seen a product like Blush's topless undershirt (under a different name and at an astronomically higher price), and thought "well, hey-let's try it!"

Love. And convenience and all things wonderful! When I bought my first Blush, I wasn't showing yet, but it was the perfect fix to those shirts that are just a tad bit too short. You know, the ones that fit just right until you reach for something? Yah.
Then it was the perfect transition when I was in those in-between days where I needed to undo the button on my jeans, but maternity pants were still way too huge.

And it carried me all the way through the end of my pregnancy

It was a godsend in the postpartum days. Especially when nursing so my extra flab didn't pop out for public view those first few weeks. (hallelujah for that!)

Now, it is a staple in my wardrobe.

And it can be a staple in yours!

To enter the giveaway for a Blush Topless Undershirt in your size choice, go to the Blush website, then come back here and comment on your favorite.
I'm loving these funky patterns:

And if you just can't wait to see if you win before adding one to your wardrobe, Blush is generously offerin you, my lovely dear wonderful readers, 20% off any purchase of two or more undershirts! Just enter the code welovebloggers at checkout for the discount.

For extra entries:
-Blog about the giveaway
-Tweet it
-FB it
-Become a follower of Random Thoughts from the zoo, or let me know that you already are
-And any purchase from Blush this week earns you two more entries!

Please make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry!

Giveaway closes Thursday Oct 15th at midnight Mountain Time. Winner will be chosen using and announced next Friday Oct 16th, when the next giveaway will be posted.



  1. Awesome! I love the black and white swirl one. I've never seen these before. Very cool.

  2. I love these I have recently lost weight and I am in need of new tanks!!!I have never heard of these they look fantastic!

  3. I am also a follower...I love your blog!

  4. That's a super idea I have never heard before!
    I love the Neon one because it can go with many things on top, but gives more fun!

  5. I like the plain old white, boring, I know, but you can wear it with everything! I alos had one while I was prego - best thing ever!!!

  6. They are all so cute! But I think I would choose the black with lace because it would go with so much!

  7. I love Blush!! I bought one from babysteals back when I was pregnant with my youngest and I still use it. Love the swirl!!

  8. I'm also a follower.. and I also love the brown. LOL

  9. I love these! What a good idea. I love the swirl.

  10. I just had a baby and really need one of these!!

  11. I really think the black lace is nice. I was surprised to see that there is no cotton is the tanks..

    Thanks for the chanve to win.

  12. I have never seen these before, they are so cool! I love your blog, and you have such a cute family!
    I will leave a comment on facebook (and I am a follower).

  13. I have two of these (black and white) and they are staples to my wardrobe right now (14 weeks preggo) I found a new use for them this week...not only do they go over my regular unzipped jeans to get more use out of them this pregnancy, but they are really great to go under those maternity shirts that aren't quite long enough. I should be able to wear all of my maternity stuff for the full 9 months now. Love!! I love the polka dots one...must have one.

  14. I'm a follower! :) and still wanting and waiting for your lasagna recipe...pretty pretty please!!

  15. I LOVE these! I have a black one and it got me through my 1st pregnancy. Now that I'm pregnant again I really don't NEED one, but after seeing these, I really WANT another one!! I love the black and white swirl, or even just the plan white one.

  16. I am just totally aggravating at how GENIUS someone can be. :) I love this. Consider me entered.......Linking to my blog.

  17. OK...YOU are on my blog, dearie! I LOVE THIS!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. These are so cute! I love the neon print.

  20. && I blogged about the giveaway on my site =-)

  21. This looks soo cute!!

  22. I have become a follower :)

  23. I have just become a follower!
    These are great! I wish I had found them 7 years ago! :)

  24. these sound amazing. I'd love to have the black one so it would go with more.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  25. i follow the blog

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  26. i tweeted-

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  27. I like that black one with the colored circles.

  28. I'm boring and all about neutrals so they can go with tons of things, so I'm probably more leaning towards a black or white one for boring sake :o) This would be awesome though for the rest of my pregnancy-always an issue!!!!!

  29. Of course I blogged about you too!

  30. These are very cool indeed. I don't think I've ever seen them before...I'll have to get me some!! :)

    PS...I sent you an invite to my blog!

  31. Blogged about it!! Not sure how to become a follower but I'm gonna go figure that out right now! :)

  32. Not too hard...Now I'm a loyal follower of your amazing, award-winning blog. Makes me realize that I have to kick-it into high gear if I'm gonna keep up with my neighbor!!

  33. I like the black lace and the black swirl. Absolutely cute stuff!

  34. **I'm not entering to win this** But I wanted to tell you about this Free giveaway

  35. So cute! I love the black and white swirl one! My husband is going to tell me that I need to stop looking at these giveaways cuz then I want to buy everything! These look awesome! Thanks Catey...hope I win! :)

  36. i have seen and coveted these! I would love a black or white one!

  37. these look awesome! I love the neon color!

  38. I like the patterned ones, but I think I would stick with a boring-but-goes-with-everything black!

  39. Tweeted:

  40. Posted on Facebook -

  41. Following Random Thoughts on Google Friend Conect (M.Sands)

  42. I would love to have the black with lace...I think it would go with most of my wardrobe.

  43. tweeted
