Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's the little moments that make a woman proud

Proud of her husband.

Or maybe it's just gratitude that he's willing to embarrass himself enough that no one ever expects me to embarrass myself.

Case in point; The things that happen in the middle of nowhere on a Friday night. And yes, that is the front porch.
(not ours though-our front porch still has it's dignity)
But hey, at least he has the suit going for him.

I will not grow old and complain that my life was boring.

(also, I feel inclined to add that none of us drink. No alcohol was involved in the making of this film. Can you imagine what we'd be like if we did? ha!)


  1. I. Am. Speechless.


  2. That is a little unfair for two reasons.

    #1 - You would never do that, so I can't get you back.

    #2 - The lighting was bad....not my best side.

  3. Did Aaron at least have the decency to kill that thing before he put it on his head?
