Tuesday, March 24, 2009

As promised...

More shelf pictures!  'Cause what's more exciting than shelves?  

And if you've really been waiting to see more shelves here, you need to get out more.  Go!  Now!

After mulling around what should be done with all of our storage things, dear sweet wonderful husband of mine decided to take this one by the horns and started building.  A boy and his power tools.  Awwww......

With our midget army, my obsession with fabric,  and a love of Christmas decorating, we had more than enough storage totes in the basement to build a small fort.  Then there's the food storage, camping things, rotating baby storage, a set of drums, a guitar, a trombone (I know-seriously?), filing cabinets, enough educational stuff to homeschool every age level from 2yrs old up to, well I don't know....I'll stop there and spare you the rest of the report.  Let's just say it was a LOT in our storage room.  

Enter this little project:  

(((Ummm...find the missing picture of project in progress!!!)))


And the kids loved helping and got to spend some quality time with Dad.  Winners all around!

So, what is the finished product?  FULL.
I told you we had a lot of storage totes.  

But now I have space-GLORIOUS space-in my storage room.  Now-reserve judgement on this mess, I'm still in the cleaning out/reorganizing phase and there's still a lot of work left to do here.  But good golly, it feels good to have at least a little bit more order going on down here.  Now we just need to pick up the other chest freezer that someone so generously offered us (THANK YOU!  I don't know if you read this blog but hey-we seriously appreciate it!), move one freezer downstairs (the other will stay in the garage), and finish moving a few more things so that everything is neat and tidy.  

Oh, and ignore the corners of the shallow shelving-I'm still working on those spaces.  And on filling the empty spots.  

The best news?  (aside from the fact that we could live on this for a good while if we needed to)  All of this, including the wheat, actually gets used and rotated.  Look at me learning to be practical and all that good stuff.  Who'd have thought?  Don't ask anyone who knew me 15yrs ago.  The definitely wouldn't have thought.  I mean thought that about me.  A few of them did in fact actually think.   

And believe it or not, there are actually some things canned by me in there!  YAY me!  Next up:  canning butter.  Yup.  Really.  And hopefully a lot more canning this summer and fall.  


  1. WOW, I know who's house we're coming to when diaster hits!!!!!
    Where the hell are the disneyland pics???
    Canning butter? That is the sickest shiz I have ever heard in my life!!!!! Vomit much.

  2. speaking of shelves.............

  3. Hot dang!! You go girl on the food storage!! You totally rock ...what can I say? Dustin is starting to really get us bulked up in the can section...any good suggestions where to start?? I figured beans and tomatoes and fruit...stuff like that! Good idea on the oatmeal!! I'll have to show him your pictures.

  4. You only took pictures of half the room....good thing that is all people think we have.....oh and thanks for not showing pictures of all the guns we have to keep people like Kelsey out....

  5. You didn't show the bomb shelter either....

  6. I feel much better now that I have seen your food storage. In case of an emergency the Holtz family will be staying with the Balls. I am quite impressed!!

  7. Wow! Now that's organized storage space! I'm so jealous.
