Monday, February 2, 2009

Making a Happy Home Monday

 It's Monday!  

Since last Monday was spent trying to survive (as Aaron would say-my internal housekeeping staff was having a domestic dispute), I was just happy to have made it to the end of the day.

This week was, thankfully, much more productive.  

So what is Making a Happy Home Monday?  It's blog carnival hosted HERE by my friend LL-who is turning 29 again today.  Happy Birthday LL!  Pick a project.  Make it big, make it small, just make it happier.  Join in, then head to her blog and link yourself up!  

Today I tackled one of my household nemeses.  ("Nemesises?  Nemisi?", "NemeSES" -name that movie!)

Do you see this pile?  

I. Really.  Hate. Ironing.  Aaron says he doesn't mind it so much and always volunteers to do it, but rarely does he get the time.  Then it ends up Sunday morning and someone is scrambling to iron white shirts for everyone.  I really should just suck it up and do it once a week, but let's be honest-I enjoy throwing everything up in the ironing basket on the shelf in the laundry room until the pile reaching the ceiling.  Literally.  9 people worth of ironing adds up quickly.  Trust me.

Today I at least wanted to remedy this:  

My poor husband's empty hangers.  Just how many?  

Look-enough to fill my forearm!  HA! (ick-nice shot of my diseased arm!)  Um, plus the rest of them that didn't fit on my arm.....I know, I'm bad.  Be glad you're not married to me I guess!

The finished product?  Voila!
 Look-no more empty closet!  Plus all the white shirts are ironed and hanging up with his dress clothes, and I got all of mine done!  Woo-hoo!  Maybe tomorrow I'll still be motivated and get the full basket of kids' things done.  Let's hope!  

One more tedious project checked off-and a little bit more motivation to stay on top of things.  Thanks LL!  


  1. Wow! That is impressive. I hate ironing too.

  2. I hate the point that I use a nifty little product by Downy that releases wrinkles. I KNOW you have heard of it ;)

    thanks for linking up. It looks GOOD!!!

  3. "teachers need to get ready for parent teacher conference and my mom just has to iron."

  4. I hate ironing too! In fact I try my best to avoid it by hanging everything as soon as it is dry. I even lay my sweaters out flat after wearing them so that they won't need ironing. (I know. I'm nuts!) Just don't tell my mom....she irons almost every single day!

  5. You are the perfect wife.....If God let me design a wife, I could not have done that well.

    Thanks for thinking of me and taking care of me.
