It's been a while, and since it's my official title here, I thought I'd go this route again and just dump my brain.
Dawn-props for posting your views. Love you!
To my dear cbett-welcome to the world of blogging! heehee You know now you'll have to start one.... I am embarrassed to say just how much I look forward to seeing your comments on Aaron's blog. But even more so on Kelsey's!
This was the view out my front door this morning.
I love the rain. Today is one of those great days where you open all the windows and it smells so wonderful. The perfect day for baking and reading. So guess what we did today? School's assignments were read-a-thon and practice reading a recipe. 4 loaves of zucchini bread so far. Now it smells even better in here.
I read Report Card (Andrew Clements). You should read it-it is much more profound that the audience it was written for will even pick up on. It reminded of me of this post from last year.
I love juvenile fiction. I could read Junie B. books every day.
Alaina read Ramona's World (Beverly Cleary) and There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom (Louis Sacchar). Before 1pm. The girl amazes me. And she retains all of it. Wish I could do that.
Taylor read about bats and Twisters. Then we looked up stuff with the National Weather Service to track Ike. I caught a conversation between he and Alaina shortly thereafter and he was telling her that he knew everything because he knew approximately when the hurricane should hit Texas. lol
These are things that make me love the flexibility of homeschooling. And help me get through those moments where I envy the moms who get to ship all their kids out in the morning and have some time to themselves. Or at least keep the house clean for more than twenty minutes.
I have vacuumed three times today. I will probably have to vacuum at least twice more. Maybe three times since they kids are making popcorn now.
I still can't decide if I like all the curriculum. Some of it I love. Some of it I could do without but am legally bound to use this year. blah. Oh well. 18 days down, only 162 more required by law.
Dallin cracks me up. He tried to duplicate the powdered sugar escapade yesterday. He failed.
I taught Taylor's Primary class two weeks before Charlotte was born. It was on gratitude. At the end of the lesson everyone drew something they were thankful for. This is what I drew. I was dumping Malia's camera onto the computer and saw that she had taken a picture of it. It made me smile.
I can't wait until my new shirt arrives in the mail. It is Kick-A. Literally.
It makes me want to order a shirt for my brother that I'm not brave enough (stupid enough?) to wear. Or one for Aaron. Free Tibet (with purchase of Tibet of equal or greater value).
I made these little babies this weekend,
courtesy of Bakerella. Love her website. I wish mine had turned out as cute as hers. Guess I'll just have to keep making them over and over until I have it perfected. darn. They are good enough that I would make them just for me. And not share. Well, maybe with a couple of people.
I have rekindled my love of sewing. It wasn't just a nesting thing after all. Now I'm going to put it to some good use. I hope.
I could easily spend hundreds of dollars on fabric. Specifically Michael Miller and Amy Butler. Who knew one day I'd be a fabric snob. Especially since I still happily shop the $1/yd table at Wal-mart.
Only one more week until my shoe party. Woo-hoo!
I saw this
and loved it. I want one. Apparently everyone and their dog has one though. That's ok-I'm a mom of seven and live in the sticks so I can be a bit behind the times. Even if it is overused I still love it.
I found this one
And laughed. hard. Thought of buying both and changing it on the days when I feel snarky, but I realized I don't want my children using that word. They've picked up enough garbage over the past year. Thankfully not from home. Sadly, from school or friends. *sigh* (Oh, the stories from the last few months....)
Everyone wants to come up with some brilliant invention, right? Especially us moms who are home all day. Many of us dream of hitting just the right niche in the baby/child market and making it big. This is not it. Honestly-a lot weird and kind of creepy. Good intentions gone wrong.
The worst part-it SOLD OUT on when it was featured. If I see your child wearing this, please forgive me if I scream. It makes me feel claustrophobic. And creeped out. Geesh, people think clowns are bad....
Charlotte won't nap today unless she is being held. Even then the most I have gotten out of her is about an hour while she was tucked up in my wrap. I love my wrap. It is the only reason I have gotten anything done today.
I love to listen to Dallin talk. He is so animated. We get many opportunities to listen to him because he never stops talking. Funny Kid. Look for his Magic Teeny Car story soon.
I saw someone's blog yesterday where one post was 18 pictures of their child eating. Rice cereal. Yes, 18 pictures. I counted because there were an awful lot. Granted, the kid was cute and it's their first kid, and I think they are in a different state from all of their family, so that made it ok, but still, 18 pictures a lot. It is funny to watch people with their first kid. I'd love to go back in time and watch Aaron and I with just one kid. I'm sure I'd find it very amusing.
Speaking of overkill with babies, this is the end of the newborn diapers. Charlotte is launching into size ones today. She's getting so big. I miss her skinny little bird legs. Now her thighs have little rolls like mine. :P
The word of the day is salsa. A neighbor of ours made some and brought us a jar. Lincoln has said "salsa" a lot. And it sounds funny.
And now I have to go wrangle kids together so I can pick up for carpool.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Random Thoughts
Posted by Catey at 1:06 PM
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Everybody likes "SALSA"...
And seriously??? You ordered one of Seriously So Blessed shirts? (I bet you thought nobody was listening when you mentioned her blgo, before;) I have become a faithful reader...and have enough LDS friends that I actually get it. She's pretty funny...
Boy, that was random! :P
did you get the Obama shirt? I'm peeing.
I loved the random post. I'm also glad you mentioned that author that Malia likes because her bday is around the corner.
I shuttered when I saw the KKK baby :) I can't believe you posted that hideousness.
Don't give christopher props...ever.
Will you have Tay call me and tell me aprox when Ike is gunna hit....Tina :) he he
Oh....and I must have that pink sign for my house. How appropriate.
Thank you for the props. You are wrong, I will never have a blog of my own nor will I ever date or marry someone who does. If she starts one after we're dating or married it will be grounds for divorce. You know how I feel about those Christmas letters people send out(damn all of you who do). A blog to me is just as annoying if not worse because it happens on a year round basis. I do enjoy them though, as they give me plenty of material for mockery. Especially Aaron and Kelsey. They make it way too easy. There are already so many reasons to mock them both, but now that I read their blogs it just gives me so much more material to work with. You're certainly not immune but seem to have more intelligence and common sense than the two of them combined (not difficult, the same could probably be said for a trained monkey) which makes it a bit more difficult. Don't get to comfy because I will find something about you to mock. I've given you fair warning, so don't be surprised when it comes your way as well.
bring it on christopher robin!
That is rich, since you were educated with a banana and an innertube.
Who's the Monkey?
I hear the new word is actually Shut up. But hey who would teach their kid that one:-)
I love the first picture. Eagle mountain is a beautiful place to me.
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