On a Saturday night. Writing blog posts. This was not my first choice. (no offense)
I will avoid the reason why and blame the irritability on pregnancy hormones. And leave it there.
Speaking of pregnancy, I've had a few people ask for a belly picture.
There's not much of one yet, but little miss does definitely poke out after we go running! I think she's just learning early to lean in for a killer finish. I will never win a race, but maybe she will.
The post run belly:
VS the pre run belly:
There's definitely no killer abs left there.
and I don't run in all white. I promise. It was chilly so the tank was a base layer. It was warm enough that day that I was wearing a skirt though. Yay for warm weather in January!
I'm torn between the fact that I'm grateful I don't get huge out front-especially early on-and irritated that I gain all of my weight in my butt/hips/thighs. and low back apparently. Who doesn't love back fat?
And while some nice person is going to say something about it doesn't look like a big gain, 13lbs are sitting there. Awesome. But hey, my pants still fit. Figure that one out.
Meh, as my midwife said, "you'll put it on, you'll take it off, who cares!" She's fabulous.
It's nice that though I'm technically still seeing a perinatologist this time around because of last time's issues, I'm really mostly seeing the midwife. She's cool. Also she gave me the official go ahead to run my little heart out, rolling her eyes when I told her I needed official medical approval for all the naysayers. Really I don't need it, but people seem to nag me less when I tell them that I've asked my dr and have the go ahead. I'm green-lighted for anything I feel up for. Half marathons on the calendar in March? Yes please! Hopefully I'll still be up for that in two months.
Almost 22wks now, things are plugging along way too fast. This pregnancy is flying. I do wish time would slow down just a tad.
Everything is looking perfect with baby. She has been watched very closely or the past two months, especially brain anatomy. We've had a couple of very detailed and thorough ultrasounds, and everything is as it should be. It's pretty crazy to look at all the little gray splotches inside her head and know what many of them are based on previous experience. It's pretty fabulous to see everything exactly where it should be. I'll have to post a comparison picture between her head scan and Sam's-it's amazing to see the difference.
Thankfully this little girl is fabulously active. I love so much feeling her jump around in there. My placenta is smack dab in the middle up front so it blocks a lot of the movement I would normally feel right in there in the middle of my belly. Apparently it's huge from what I keep being told too. Not sure what to make of that tidbit of information. Despite from the extra insulation in her way, she makes her presence known. I love it. Can't wait till she's a little bigger and I can see her kicks and jabs a little better.
That's about it in the pregnancy department. Very grateful there isn't much more to say about it. What a very different experience this time around. My thoughts float back to Sam's pregnancy and certain things that happened at certain weeks....it's interesting to relive that. It feels so far away sometimes, but way too fresh at other times. An interesting perspective for sure.
And now I'm going to go negate every mile I ran today by eating chocolate covered gummy bears and Reese's stuffed Oreos. Good night!