It's been too long since I kept up here, so I'm trying to catch up on the things I've missed.
Today's installment...... the annual costume party!
It's been nearly a month, so it's about time!
First, a few things I learned this year-
Amy is quite the limbo competitor.
Cory looks killer in spandex.
Steve brought extra spandex.
Why do our costume parties always involve spandex?
We know who's really in charge at Tiffany and Mike's house.
Kammi has a killer accent.
The Greeks sparkled.
Greg wears skirts. At least it wasn't spandex.
You really can get Rheanna to dress up.
Peter Pan wields a real knife.
A few name changes can really stir things up.
We have some very competitive friends.
It's hard to speak in questions.
And my favorite, if you don't know what to say, go with Steve's default: "I like cheese."
A few pics-sorry, no dancing footage this year. The dancing was a bit slim. But we had a great time, and there were a few ambitious people already planning costumes for next year!